How to compress picture in word using vba
How to compress picture in word using vba


If Not Intersect(rngPic, Range(shpPic.TopLeftCell, shpPic. 'Subtract 2 from width and height to ensure that picture _ I need to deliver the same functionality for compressing pictures which can be achieved by doing the following: Format Pictures -> Compress -> Apply to All Pictures in document I have tried using macro record to see how powerpoint would reflect the steps and the resulting macros is blank. '.LockAspectRatio = True 'Can be True or false 'Resize the picture to the width of the required range area Set shpPic = (Filename:=strPath & strFile, _

how to compress picture in word using vba

'Setting Width and Height to -1 retains picture current dimensions

how to compress picture in word using vba

'and not marginally adjusted to cell outside the range.Ĭall DeleteExistPicture(rngPicArea) 'Delete existing picture from range (If exists) 'Adding 1 to the Left and Top ensures that the picture is within the range 'DropDown options must exactly match picture file names 'strpath = "C:\Users\OssieMac\Documents\Excel\Pictures\" Word > Preferences Change measurement unit to points. Create and run your Ekahau report template. 'Alternative example to previous line to set path other than ThisWorkbook Its a PITA, but, by creating a macro within Word we can automate (and dramatically speed up) the image cropping and resize actions. StrPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Pictures\" 'Edit to you path to the pictures Set rngPicArea = Range("G4:J9") 'Edit to required range for picture 'Following line: Edit "$B$2" to cell address of DropDown Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)


If you need more help then please feel free to get back to me but I will need more information on exactly what you require. Insert image in the word documents using AddPicture() objShapes.AddPicture (strCompleteImagePath) Complete Code: Function FnImageInsert(strCompleteImagePath) Dim objWord Dim objDoc Dim objSelection Dim objShapes Set objWord CreateObject('Word.Application') Set objDoc objWord.


You will need to edit the code where indicated with the comments. Do NOT change the sub name or it will not work as event code. Present at the llocation then it deletes it first and replaces with the selected picture.Įvent code is installed by right clicking on the worksheet tab name and select View code which opens the module attached to the specific worksheet. Copy and paste the code into the VBA editor. It adjusts the dimensions of the picture to a given range area on the worksheet. The required picture is selected in a DropDown on the worksheet. The following code is an event code example that inserts a picture at a given location. Under Image Attachments at the top, select Do not resize images.What do you mean by "Compress"? Do you mean to reduce the saved size Byrtes or to reduce the dimentions of the picture to fit in a given area on the worksheet? In the email message to which you have attached a picture, click File > Info. So what I’m manually doing is 1) putting the image Behind text, then resizing to 100 and then setting absolute postion to 0,0cm (top left corner of the page). BUT when I insert them in Word, the are imported at 71 of the original size. The option to turn off picture compression in Outlook is available only after you have added a picture to an email message as an attachment. My situation is that I have 8.5×11 images that I use as backgrounds in the header section.

how to compress picture in word using vba

To compress an individual picture or set other picture quality or resolution options, see Reduce the file size of a picture. This setting applies to only the document that you selected in the Image Size and Quality list, unless you also select All New Documents. Under Image Size and Quality, select the Do not compress images in file check box. As you can see from my initial post, there are a multitude of possible approaches: After my initial post just offering a few options, I decided to hand the OP a working solution. Ignore the drop-down list to select your current document by default.Ĭlick the list arrow and select the file that you want to turn off picture compression for.Ĭhoose All New Documents (applies to Word only) to turn off picture compression on all future documents. I was trying to help someone out in the MSDN forum, pictures change height width, with wanting to resize images from within an MS Access database. (This example shows the options in Word.) In the list at Image Size and Quality, do one of the following. Press Alt+F11 to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window 3.

how to compress picture in word using vba

Please select a picture you want to change the size 2. Turn off compression in Word, PowerPoint, or Excel In this example, we resize the picture size to 1.78 inches height and 3.17 inches width. To turn off compression for pictures you have added to a message, see the Outlook instructions below. Note: The steps to turn off picture compression are different in Outlook.

How to compress picture in word using vba